Give Your Investment Practice a New Edge

AI-Powered ETF Strategies

RIAs, family offices, and institutional investors, provide your clients AI-powered portfolio management.

BAILA, our AI investment model, delivers weekly signals to guide your ETF allocation decisions, so you can focus on what matters most: client relationships.

“In the future, Artificial Intelligence will manage the vast majority of investable assets.”

Our AI Investment System

Over many years we have developed a custom AI Investment System named BAILA™, an acronym that stands for Bayesian AI Learning Algorithm.

BAILA processes far more information than any human and makes emotion-free, logical decisions that lack human cognitive biases.

BAILA follows a three step process, it:
1. Learns from the past
2. Makes educated predictions
3. Constructs optimal portfolios

How Does BAILA Work?

BAILA Learns
from the Past

Using AI pattern matching, BAILA searches through the past 50+ years to find past periods which most closely resemble the current “economic fingerprint”.

While there has never been a time that’s exactly like the present, there have been close matches in the past, and BAILA finds them.

Educated Predictions

The returns generated following these past most-similar economic environments are used to create a forward return distribution.

BAILA interprets this distribution to make prediction about whether the market is expected to move up, down or sideways over the next few week, the predicted Market State.

BAILA Constructs
Optimal Portfolios

Based on its predictions, BAILA dynamically switches between aggressive, balanced and defensive investment postures.

It constructs optimal portfolios designed to perform well in the predicted Market State.

AI Strategies

Our Investment

BAILA™, our proprietary AI system, delivers weekly signals to implement sophisticated investment strategies designed to meet diverse portfolio objectives.

From drawdown mitigation to tax-efficient growth, each strategy leverages advanced artificial intelligence while maintaining disciplined risk management.


Investment Goal



Seeks to mitigate drawdowns in major market indexes

Active single ETF strategy


Aims to maximize return per unit of risk

Active strategy with 15 liquid ETFs


Ai-Tact Aims to maximize return per unit of risk

Active strategy with broad universe of 93 ETFs


Seeks to optimize for after-tax returns

Low-turnover, tax-loss harvesting with 150+ large cap stocks

AI Strategies

How is Ai Funds different from most investment solutions?


Adaptive Portfolio Management

Our AI-driven portfolios adjust dynamically based on ongoing market analysis, efficiently incorporating new information. This responsive approach contrasts with traditional static rebalancing methods.


Advanced Predictive Modeling

We leverage cutting-edge AI to forecast market trends, analyzing complex data patterns beyond historical averages. This provides a more nuanced, forward-looking view of potential market movements.


Sophisticated Portfolio Optimization

Our AI is designed to optimize portfolios using advanced risk measures that align more closely with investors' actual experiences and perceptions, moving beyond traditional optimization techniques.


Continuous Learning and Improvement

Our AI models evolve over time, learning from new data and market outcomes. This ensures our strategies remain at the forefront of investment technology, adapting to changing market dynamics.

AI Strategies

AI Managed Investing Offers


Our strategies have outperformed their relative benchmarks across multiple market cycles.

Sensible Risk Measures

We use human-centric risk measures that are better aligned with investors’ innate view of what risk really is.

Agile Reaction to Market News

Our strategies rebalance on a weekly basis enabling agile reaction to market news and new information.


Dr. Tal Schwartz Founder & CEO

AI Funds was launched by Dr. Tal Schwartz with the mission to lead a new era of Artificial Intelligence Managed Investing. Dissatisfied with the current state of investment management, Dr. Schwartz leveraged his academic and industry experience to pioneer a new AI-based approach to active portfolio management which he believes is superior to traditional strategies.

Dr. Schwartz earned his doctorate degree in Finance from Cornell University and held positions as a Professor of Finance, Visiting Scientist and lecturer at leading universities including the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), DePaul University in Chicago, Tel-Aviv University, and more. He has presented his research at industry conferences and published in leading academic journals.

On Wall Street, Dr. Schwartz worked as a quantitative researcher and data scientist at some of the most well-known hedge funds in the world including Citadel Investment Group, Mesirow Financial and Clarion Capital. At these and other financial institutions, Dr. Schwartz developed and implemented AI models, trading algorithms and portfolio optimization strategies.

As an entrepreneur, Dr. Schwartz founded and led several organizations including Clicktale, Expand Beyond, and the Technion’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center.


Why AI in Investing?

Artificial Intelligence Plays Games Much Better than Humans

Artificial Intelligence has improved to the point where it is superior to humans in many strategic game. AI is the world-champion in Chess, Go, and Poker to name a few. In fact, humans are now learning how to improve their game play from AI!

1997 Kasparov v. Deep Blue

2016 AlphaGo v. Lee Sedol

2017 Libratus v. Top Poker Pros

AlphaGo Official Trailer (1:30 minutes)

AI Can Learn the "Game" of Investing

Investing can be viewed as an incomplete-information game in which “the game board” is the economy, the playing cards are the investable assets (stocks and ETFs), and the goal of players is to build the best hand (or portfolio) of assets that wins in different economic environments

BAILA is designed to "play" and win the "game" of investing.

Watch the full AlphaGo - The Movie on YouTube to see how AI has become the best GO player in the world.


Our Premier Partners

Artificial Intelligence is the future of investing and the future is available to you.

We are excited to bring AI Managed Investment Management to Investment Advisors, RIAs and Institutional Investors.

Contact us to discover the best way to leverage Artificial Intelligence to power your investment decisions.

Contact us

Our AI Managed Investment Solutions are available to financial advisors and institutional investors.

To learn more, please call, email or send us a message.

1569 Solano Avenue, Suite 320
Berkeley, CA 94707


Artificial Intelligence is the future of investing and the future is available to you now!

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